Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Objective Test

Objective tests are intended to measure abilities.  In order for the test to be objective, it must be scored without bias or judgment.  Objectivity does not hinge on material being tested, questions, or structure of the test, but on the scoring procedures.  An objective test must be valid, which is not completely possible, unfortunately (Does it measure what it is supposed to measure?). It must be reliable or replicable (Does it produce the same results on re-tests and with similar cohorts of students?).  Lastly, it must be fair (Does it ensure that everyone has an equal chance of getting a good assessment?).  Even alternative assessments can be objective if the outcome is graded based on set criteria, previously identified, based on specific learning objectives.  Remember reliability, validity, and fairness; key components!
Read more: Assessment
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Types of Objective Assessment Questions:
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are the traditional 'choose one from a list' of possible answers.
True/False questions require a student to assess whether a statement is true or not.
Assertion-Reason questions combine elements of MCQ and true-false.
Multiple response questions (MRQs) are similar to MCQs, but involve the selection of more than one answer from a list.
Graphical hotspot questions involve selecting an area(s) of the screen, by moving a marker to the required position. Advanced types of hotspot questions include labeling and building questions.
Text/Numerical questions involve the input of text or numbers at the keyboard.
Matching questions involve linking items in one list to items in a second list.
Sore finger questions have been used in language teaching and computer programming, where one word, code, or phrase is out of keeping with the rest of a passage. It could be presented as a 'hot spot' or text input type of question.
Ranking questions require the student to relate items in a column to one another and can be used to test the knowledge of sequences, order of events, and level of gradation.
Sequencing questions require the student to position text or graphic objects in a given sequence. These are particularly good for testing methodology.
Field simulation questions offer simulations of real problems or exercises.  Other question types require students to identify and/or manipulate images. Students may be asked to plot a graph, complete a matrix, draw a line, or build up an image using parts provided.
More information about assessments:
Guidelines for constructing effective alternative assessments:

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